Monday, March 15, 2010

Announcing: March Break CD Rehearsal!

We said that majority would determine whether or not we have a CD choir practice during March Break and as you can see from the poll results - the majority has voted in favour.
Super Yay and Terrific! I am really looking forward to visiting with you here in my kitchen for a hot lunch at 12:00 noon sharp this Wednesday (that's March 17, 2010).
(Menu is something good like gourmet hotdogs AND pepperoni pizza; please come hungry).
We start rehearsing seriously at 1pm and work till 3pm (pickup at 3pm) with a twenty minute breather in between somewhere.
Think you can handle it?
I'm a believer in your abilities - let's put a few songs securely in the heart AND have fun at the same time!
I'd appreciate very much, if every family reading this blog post left a confirmation by way of comment box. This would save us all from having to phone (or worse) ME having to remember who called and who didn't (or even more worse) MY family having to force down leftover hotdogs/pizza for three days after :)
Two more sleeps,
Love from Mrs.Hordyk
p.s. I brought all the extra rhythm instruments home and would like Josh to come and drum for us if he's willing and able.


  1. Alexa will be there:)

  2. Shannon will be there.

  3. Hofsink children will be attending.

  4. Braden does have other plans for Wednesday. I tried to persuade him to change his plans but that did not work...(I thought the pizza and hotdogs would do it:)

  5. Jonah schol will be there. He is very excited to have lunch at your house. thanks soooo much

  6. Charlotte wouldn't miss it.

  7. Charlotte will be there

  8. Rach and Sara will be there...thanks for providing lunch Josie

  9. Todd is looking forward to coming. Thank you

  10. Ben will be there

  11. Thanks for organizing this, but Jocelyn and Anthony won't be there ... we had plans for the Wednesday of the March Break. Have fun and see you next time!

  12. The VanderLaan girls are looking forward to it and will be there!! Thank you, Mrs. H! BTW, drummer Josh is gone all week...

  13. Karissa and Ashley will be there. Have a great afternoon.

  14. Stefan will be there too!
